About Us

Supply Chain

Arna Solutions Ltd is an international supply chain service provider.

Encompassing sourcing, purchasing, vendor representation, logistics, storage, customs, and bulk trading of overstocked consumer goods and commodities. Whether it’s apparel, electronics, toys, beverages, confectionery, foodstuffs, or packaging we have the connections and experience to assist. We help you find factories, get competitive prices, follow up production, and ensure quality, and delivery.

Businesses now compete on a global scale. Importing in terms of trade refers to purchasing products or services from another country.

If you’re striving to make your business the leader in its industry, or you are thinking of lowering production costs, importing is essential.


The importation of goods reduces manufacturing costs and substantially increases profit without compromising quality or service. Bulk purchasing ensures supply chain continuity and economies of scale.

Global purchasing provides a competitive advantage providing access to newly innovated products and enabling first-to-market opportunities.

Larger corporations have personnel and can afford to travel abroad to visit factories to assess quality processes, conduct due diligence, and negotiate contracts. SMEs often do not have the resources or market knowledge to undertake this onerous process.

That’s were come in, to do all of the heavy lifting, research, and negotiation on behalf of our client companies managing the process end to end.


Exporting to global markets will increase sales which is especially beneficial to SMEs increasing profitability substantially and reducing dependence on the domestic market. Export orders are generally more substantial than those placed by domestic clients who practice “just in time” purchasing methods which incur greater costs in terms of raw materials, production, and storage.

Selling abroad is usually by the container which inevitably leads to increased profits and reduced costs.

We fully understand this is easier said than done and do understand the complexities and challenges, that is why we are here to help.

Creating opportunities for suppliers.

Exporting is essential in today’s global economy; international trade is pivotal to the welfare of businesses and economies. You may find that your domestic market is saturated, and unprofitable with insufficient demand exporting may be your key to success.

We can operate as your agent in overseas markets by uncovering business opportunities and demand for your portfolio of goods. Creating a “desire to buy” in markets not previously explored or considered.

Moreover, if your products are considered unique or innovative abroad you can expect much repeat business and exponential growth.

“If a market doesn’t exist, create one”